Light versus Dark Floors

Light versus Dark Floors

Determining the color of your floor can be very difficult. There are many components that go into making your final decision. The paint on your walls, décor, and care and maintenance all come into play when deciding between light or dark floors. The most noticeable detail about your floor is the color, so taking the time to consider all of your options is important.

Dark Floors

The Contrast that dark floors can offer with light walls and décor is a classic look that will make a bold statement. Dark floors making areas in your home look smaller should not be a main concern. Although they will make areas look darker, what you do with your furniture and décor is what will determine the issue of areas looking smaller. With that being said, the darkness that these floors bring to your home is something you should consider. Bringing plenty of natural

light and bright light bulbs into your home will liven it up. Also, consider a light paint color that w

ill complement your dark floors well, providing that aesthetic contrast that stands out beautifully. Dark floors do tend show more dust and hairs, so sweeping and vacuuming on a regular basis is a must. They also will show more wear and tear as time goes on more than a lighter floor would.

                                       Light Floors

            Light floors are a popular choice for people who love versatility and modern looks.

They can give your home a much brighter feel than dark floors would. The subtleness of light floors allows you to decorate your home with endless options. Although lighter floors tend to blend rather than stand out, you can add bright décor to really make your home pop. There are not many situations when a light color floor would be unsuitable. They hide more dirt and debris, than a dark floor would and can handle more wear and tear.

Final Decision

            Choosing the right color tone for your floors all comes down to personal preference. Being

 able to compromise is going to be a key factor in making your final decision. It is important to balance what you love with what you can live with. If you do not want to clean your floors as often, choosing a lighter color might be the right choice for you. If you can live with cleaning frequently and

 love a dramatic contrast, then darker floors are a great option for you. For both light and dark floors, if you love them looking immaculate 24/7, you can choose a floor that has some variation to it so that imperfections are hidden.

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