A Few Minor Problems to Consider with Stain Resistant Carpet

Mission Viejo I South Orange County I Carpet I Flooring Company

Stain Resistant Carpet doesn’t always mean carefree carpeting. You will still need to clean up any spills instantly, just as you would if you had a hard-surfaced floor. Good care helps your wall-to-wall carpet weather well over the years.

Unfortunately, only a few things last forever. Stain Resistant Carpet is no exception. Eventually, the protective chemical coating wears out. Our Orange County Carpet & Flooring experts recommend that you carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions for care and follow them diligently so that your carpeting lasts a long time. And remember, some chemicals, like bleaching agents, can wear down your carpeting stain-resistant coating, so our Orange County Carpet & Flooring experts suggest that you make sure to keep them out of contact with your floor.

There are some substances that can permanently harm or discolor even stain-resistant carpeting, including:

  • Strong chemicals
  • Acne medication
  • Yellow mustard

So Orange County Carpet & Flooring manufacturer’s typically recommended you try to keep these offenders at a safe distance.

Consider Your Health Risk


Health risks are another consideration. Did you know that carpet is home to more microorganisms than any other kind of carpeting? The fibers are made of trap allergens like mold and bacteria. It also captures airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are emitted as gases from a variety of things — such as toxic stain-resistant treatments, pesticides dragged in on the bottoms of your shoes and cleaning supplies — some of which pose short- or long-term health risks.

Some examples of common complaints related to being exposed to Stain Resistant Carpet containing VOCs include headaches, nausea, chills and fever, and burning eyes, nose or sinuses. Your body is not the only thing that can suffer from Stain Resistant Carpet.

Carpets manufactured today are made mostly with a synthetic mix of petroleum and chemicals. Ninety-eight percent of synthetic carpeting contains an ingredient that takes more than a century to biodegrade. Despite these drawbacks, Stain-Resistant Carpet may be a great addition to your home if you want to prevent permanent spots on your floors.

For more wall-to-wall carpet tips, cleaning solutions and design ideas make sure to follow our blog at:


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